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Blood Witch
Note that this is a previous version of the Bloodwitch. The current version can be found here
With a mix of dark and light, in shadows, and through mysteries, blood witches weave power and lore known only to themselves. Walking the border between divine and arcane, witches forge pacts with immortals, draw blood for strange rituals, and call spirits out of the Lands of Rest. To many people, they are figures of fear to be persecuted; to others, they are venerated keepers of an ancient tradition of wisdom, healing, and home-brewed sorcery. And maybe some do go mad under the strain of their black and white magic, or cackle at the moon, or seduce young men with love potions, or turn fools and princes into toads -- such is the price one may have to pay when dabbling in forbidden arts.
Blood witches are often viewed as outsiders, or aliens. Some witches respond to this with pride, ignoring whispered slurs and snubs by society. Some witches embrace the role of outsider -- they are eccentric and weird, defying convention.
- Adventures: Witches may adventure in service to their art, collecting strange ingredients and herbs, seeking places of old power. They may wish to avoid the society that condemns them, hoping for acceptance in an adventuring group. The immortal powers to whom they bind themselves may call on them for quests. Or they may adventure for the same reasons others have: curiosity, wealth, fame, and great deeds.
- Characteristics: Witches use arcane magic in ways different from wizards and sorcerers, and at higher levels they tinker and improvise spells. They also use divine spells and divine abilities, powered by the immortal beings with whom they have forged pacts. They call spirits and souls to them, as servants and informants. They use secret ritual spells. They brew powerful potions and are adept alchemists. They are very poor in melee, however, because spilt blood interferes with their art.
- Alignment: Witches use both black magic and white magic; there are good witches and bad witches (some people think even the good witches dabble in evil arts). Witches are often dark and quirky, off the wall, and unpredictable. Some like to teach lessons that help others, and some just like to meddle -- it may be hard to tell the teaching from the meddling! That suggests a chaotic bent. But on the other hand, witches love to organize into covens, in which they gain greater power, and they defer to coven leaders. This tendency is certainly lawful. So in alignment, as in most things, witches are hard to pin down. One special quality of a Witch is that she may use spells of any alignment descriptor without it affecting her alignment, although the use her spell is put to might.
- Religion: Witches draw power from immortal beings -- some ally with the gods; some with elemental princes, demon lords, the noble fey, nature, gods now dead, or other places, beings, or forces. This helps makes them outsiders, and they may be looked down on by the orthodoxy of traditional religion. Those who worship Gargul, especially, may hate witches; they believe that the Realm of Shadows and the souls of the dead are their special spheres alone -- witches are interlopers and worse. Some few witches avoid this enmity by allying with Gargul himself and avoiding condemnation, but other witches may consider these to be turncoats and traitors.
- Background: The Realm of Shadows coexists with the Wold proper (like the traditional D&D Ethereal Plane). Rivulets of Woldsblood run through this coexisting part of the Realm of Shadows. When you die, your soul passes into the Realm of Shadows and is drawn into a rivulet, thence on to the River of Blood and Gargul's judgment. Clerics gain spells from their gods. Druids gain spells from Nature itself. Arcanists pull spell energy from other planes, but they do not realize what they are doing -- they depend on rote formulae or instinct. Even the servants of Gargul and Alemi who know about Woldsblood do not use it to cast spells; followers of Gargul, in fact, think it blasphemy to use Woldsblood to cast spells. But witches! On a mental and spiritual level, witches reach into the Realm of Shadows and draw power from Woldsblood directly. They do not physically touch Woldsblood, nor do they pull it into the Wold like Fixers do. Instead, they perceive larger rivulets of Woldsblood as "ley lines" that they tap to cast their spells. Because they tap Woldsblood and create magic on the fly, they do not have to prepare spells ahead of time -- like sorcerers they cast whatever spell they like. Unlike sorcerers, they have a wide range of spells to choose from, representing an ancient body of witch lore. But reaching into the Realm of Shadows is draining, and so witches cast fewer spells per day than most other casters. Moreover, ley lines move, so that sometimes witch spells simply fail, or work without draining the witch at all. In some locations, though, ley lines are locked in place, usually because they are "tied" to other ley lines. Such an intersection, called a nexus, is a place of great power. You can find nexuses in forgotten ruins, in graveyards and temples, in places of great natural beauty, and so on.
- Races: Among all races, there are those who seek out forbidden lore, or who forge pacts with powers others have forgotten. But humans have a strong witch tradition, because humans often produce eccentrics and outcasts. Elves also have a witch tradition, because they encourage free thought and the exploration of magic. Dwarfish witches are rare in the conformity of dwarf society, and gnomes more often find outlets as bards and illusionists. Halflings that have settled down seldom produce witches, but wandering halflings, exiles or outcasts, may have witches among them. The Taur races -- centaur, minotaur, liontaur -- often see witches on the fringes of their societies. Among humanoids, witches are relatively common.
- Other Classes: Witches often feel that they have to prove themselves to others. Barbarians may fear witches, wizards scorn their "primitive" magic, paladins suspect evil in their dark rituals, and clerics look askance at the pacts witches forge with some immortal powers. Druids, perhaps, as guardians of an ancient tradition of their own, feel a kinship with witches, with whom they also share a love of herbal lore. Sorcerers, rogues, rangers, fighters, and bards are neutral, for the most part, although some bards seek out the knowledge that witches gather.
Game Rule Information
- Abilities: Some blood witches are wise and insightful but repellent, some are beautiful and compelling but foolish, and a few are both wise and beautiful. A witch uses either Wisdom or Charisma, whichever is better at the moment, to determine how powerful a spell he can cast, his number of spells per day, and how hard it is to resist the spell's magic. Witches also benefit from a high dexterity score, because they use little or no armor, and from a high constitution, because their hit points are low.
- Alignment: Any
- Hit Die: d6
- Starting Funds and Gear: Witches gain the same amount of starting cash as a wizard.
- Parting Gift: A witch gets three items from the following list. These three items, generally brewed by the witch's mentor, represent a parting gift, and it would be insulting to sell or barter them: Acid Flask, Alchemist's Fire, Antitoxin, Tanglefoot Bag, Potion of Bull's Strength, Potion of Barkskin, Potion of Bear's Endurance, Potion of Cure Light Wounds (1d8+4), Potion of Cat's Grace, Potion of Neutralize Poison, or a Potion of Remove Curse.
- Class Skills: The witch's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Fly (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha). Note that Craft (alchemy) is an important skill for many witches. Skill Ranks: 4 + Int per level.
- Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Witches are not proficient with any type of armor nor with shields. Witches are proficient with club, dagger, bolas, crossbow, net, sap, and sling. When wearing armor and casting arcane spells, a witch faces the arcane spell failure chance that the armor type normally imposes. The witch has no chance of armor-based failure when casting divine (domain) spells. Also see below under "Spells and Spellcasting" for the way that arcane failure is incorporated into a witch's "ley rolls."
Ethos of Blood: Blood is a powerful substance in witch magic, and if a witch draws blood with a weapon -- except when shedding his own blood to cast certain witch only spells or in witch rituals -- he cannot cast arcane spells again until that weapon is destroyed. For this reason, some witches use easily breakable glass daggers for ritual spellcasting. A glass dagger can be broken as a free action if there is stone or metal nearby at which to throw it or against which to bash it (even a metal shield will suffice). Used in combat, a glass dagger has a -2 penalty to hit and breaks on any hit. A glass dagger costs 10 gp.
Some creatures -- undead, elementals, constructs, plants, oozes, vermin, some aberrations -- do not have "blood." A successful attack on these creatures does not "draw blood," and does not require the destruction of the weapon. A successful attack with a slashing or piercing weapon on other creatures always draws blood; an attack with a bludgeoning weapon draws blood 50 percent of the time. Nonlethal attacks with a slashing or piercing weapon draw blood 50 percent of the time; a nonlethal attack with a bludgeoning weapon does not draw blood.
If a witch draws blood with a projectile weapon, such as a sling bullet, he does not have to destroy the sling; ammunition that hits is automatically destroyed on impact, and it's the ammunition (bullet, arrow, bolt) that drew blood.
A witch who draws blood with fists or natural weapons cannot cast arcane spells until he washes (a full round action when soap and water are available) or casts a Prestidigitation or Clean Blood spell.
TABLE: The Blood Witch
10.........+5...........+3......+3......+7.....Divine Sacrifice
18.........+9/+4........+6......+6......+11....Divine Appeal
20.........+10/+5.......+6......+6......+12....Set Ley Nexus
TABLE: Witch Spells Per Day
......------------------Spells per Day-----------------------
Spells and Spellcasting
A blood witch casts both arcane and divine spells. Blood witch class levels can count as both divine caster levels and arcane caster levels for the purpose of qualifying for prestige classes. Though most witch spells are arcane, at second level, when the witch gains a Domain and associated Granted Power, he also gets a domain spell for each spell level, starting with a first level domain spell gained at blood witch class level 2. The "+1" on the table above represents that. These spells are gained in addition to any bonus spells for having a high ability score. Domain spells are the witch's divine spells, and they are not subject to arcane spell failure. A witch's domain spells are prepared ahead of time and cannot be altered. All other spells that the witch casts are arcane spells, chosen at the time of casting, like a sorcerer. When the witch gets 0 spells of a given level, such as 0 1st-level spells at 1st level, he gets only bonus spells. (A witch without a bonus spell for that level cannot yet cast an arcane spell of that level, but does get his divine domain spell.) The Divine Sacrifice ability (see below) allows a witch to convert an arcane spell into a divine one.
Cantrips: Witches can spontaneously cast any cantrip, or 0-level spell, found on the blood witch spell list as often as desired. These spells are cast like any other spell, but no spell slot is expended when the cantrip is cast. Cantrips cast using first level spots, or higher, due to metamagic feats for example, are expended normally.
The witch uses either Wisdom or Charisma, whichever is higher, to determine bonus spells and difficulty class modifier. If the witch's scores change during play, he can use the more favorable at any time. However, new bonus spells are gained only if the ability score change lasts more than 24 hours. To cast a spell, a witch must have a Charisma or Wisdom score of at least 10 + the spell's level. The Difficulty Class for saving throws against witch spells is 10 + the spell's level + the witch's Charisma or Wisdom modifier.
Like a sorcerer, a witch does not prepare his arcane spells in advance; instead, he has access to any spell on the witch list below and can freely choose from among them. The witch casts these spells without needing to prepare them beforehand or keep a spellbook. A witch can choose to cast any spell on the witch list, if he has a high enough casting level and ability score. The witch has no "Spells Known" list -- he knows ALL the spells on the witch list. He may use a higher-level slot to cast a lower-level spell if he so chooses; the spell is still treated as its actual level, not the level of the slot used to cast it.
For each spell level the blood witch gains, he has access to two blood witch only spells, as listed below. One of these two spells is treated like all other spells, but it is exclusive to the blood witch class. The other spells, one per spell level, are called Rituals -- they have longer than normal casting times. Some are just a full round. Some are more. Some can be cast alone. Some can only be cast in a coven. Some can only be cast in the Realm of Shadows.
Unlike other arcane casters, witches draw the energy for spell-casting by psychically reaching into the Realm of Shadows and tapping the rivulets of Woldsblood that run there. Witches can sense the power echo that these rivulets make in the Wold, and call them Ley Lines. Witches speak of touching a Ley Line when they cast spells (except for their divine domain spells). Ley Lines are dynamic and ever-moving. Every time a witch casts an arcane witch spell, he rolls a d100, called a Ley roll. On a roll of 81 to 100, the Line is especially well positioned, and the witch casts the spell but does not use up the spell's slot. On a roll of 1-10, the Ley Line shifts away unexpectedly, and the spell fails, a base 10 percent chance of failure.
If the witch has other sources of spell failure, including that from wearing armor or as a consequence of casting Sacrifice Self (a witch-only spell), then add that that to the base 10 percent chance of failure in the Ley roll. For example, a witch wearing padded armor who has cut off his own finger suffers spell failure on a roll of 1-19, but still does not use up the slot on a roll of 81-100. Sometimes a place of power is a Ley Nexus -- within the Nexus, witches gain a bonus on Ley Rolls of +1 to +20, depending on the power of the Nexus.
Some spells require a witch to actually handle Woldsblood. A witch gathers Woldsblood by entering the Realms of Shadows (with a Blink or a Shadow Walk or an Ethereal Jaunt spell), touching a finger or a dagger into a rivulet of Woldsblood, and letting a drop of Woldsblood fall from the blade into his cauldron. There is a risk of insanity in this action. Any time a witch does this, he must make a Will save vs DC16 or be Confused for 1d4 days.
The Coven ability of witches (see below) allows three or more witches to gather in a circle. Certain witch-only spells are designed to be cast in coven.
Many of these ritual spells use a cauldron. Cauldrons come in sizes tiny, small, medium, and large. A creature the same size as the cauldron can fit in it. A cat can fit in a tiny cauldron, a halfling in a small one, a man in a medium one, and a liontaur in a large one. Cauldrons must be specially made:
- tiny -- 5 gp -- 4 lbs -- sized for rituals affecting a tiny creature; and for one witch making single dose potions, poisons, items.
- small -- 50 gp -- 32 lbs -- sized for rituals affecting a small creature; and for one witch making multiple dose potions, poisons, items, and all alchemical items except tanglefoot bags.
- medium -- 500 gp -- 256 lbs -- sized for rituals affecting a medium creature; and for use in all coven settings and uses; and for Tanglefoot Bags, and all other uses not listed elsewhere.
- large -- 5,000 gp -- 2,000 lbs (about a ton) -- sized for rituals affecting a large creature.
Using the right size cauldron to perform alchemical tasks grants a blood witch a +2 circumstance bonus to Craft (Alchemy) checks and Spellcraft checks to make potions and liquid wondrous items. A blood witch using a correctly sized cauldron needs nothing else to make Craft Alchemy and Spellcraft checks to make potions and liquid wondrous items. A masterwork cauldron can be used to grant a +2 enhancement bonus on Craft (Alchemy) checks and Spellcraft checks to make potions and liquid wondrous items -- but this does not stack with the bonus for using an alchemical lab.
Ex-Witches: A witch who betrays his allied outsider, by offense, broken oath, or negligence, loses his domain, his granted power, and his domain spells. He also loses the divine special abilities gained at levels 2, 6, 10, 14, and 18. These might be regained through atonement. If the break is permanent, the witch might gain a new allied outsider, if the DM allows it, but not until a quest is completed in service to the new ally.
Witches and Alignment: Witches may cast good or evil aligned spells freely; the act of casting does not affect the witch's alignment, although the use to which he puts the spell probably will.
Special Class Abilities
Witch abilities, gained one per level, are grouped into four themes. Within each theme, an ability is gained every four levels. The themes are: A) Helper Spirit, B) Divine Curses and Blessings, C) Cooking with Magic, and D) Covens and Ley Lines.
1) Imbue Familiar Spirit (Helper Spirit Theme) The witch calls a familiar spirit from the Realm of Shadows and binds it into either an animal, a cauldron, or a dagger. When first summoned, the witch chooses one of these three. At higher levels, the witch boosts the capabilities of his existing bound spirit. A destroyed or lost familiar spirit can be raised or restored (see Witch only spells below). At the start of a new module, the witch can call a replacement spirit which has the same abilities as the lost one. It requires incense, herbs, and infusions costing 100 gp the first time the familiar is called, and 500 gp per witch level to call a replacement spirit.
- Spirit Dagger: Materializes as a +1 weapon that the witch does not have to destroy after it is used to draw blood. It has hit points equal to half the witch's and hardness of 10 plus the witch's character level.
- Spirit Cauldron: Materializes as a masterwork vessel that can shrink or enlarge in size from tiny to large in ten minutes. It gives a +4 bonus when used for Craft (Alchemy) checks and Spellcraft checks to make potions and liquid wondrous items. Regardless of size, the cauldron has hit points equal to half the witch's and hardness of 10 plus the witch's character level.
- Spirit Animal: Materializes as a normal cat, hawk, lizard, owl, rat, raven, or weasel. The animal gains some of the abilities and attributes of a familiar: the master's base attack bonus, the master's base saving throw bonuses, improved evasion, share spells, skills, empathic link. The familiar also gains a 3d6 Int. It gives its master Alertness but no other special power. It has hit points equal to half the witch's and natural AC bonus equal to the witch's character level (stacks with animal's original natural AC bonus). For the purpose of effects related to number of Hit Dice, use the master's character level.
2) Ally With Outsider (Divine Theme) The witch forges an alliance or swears fealty to an immortal power or outsider. The ally can be a God of the Wold or a God of Testing. The ally can be a former god of the Wold, now "dead." Another possibility is an immortal power, such as an elemental prince, an ancient dragon, or a demon lord. It might even be possible to ally with a place or organization, such as the Magical Culverwood or the Circle of the Alder. Note that the Campaign DM must approve the witch's choice of ally. As a result of this alliance, the witch chooses one clerical domain (that is related to his ally). The witch gains the domain's granted power and extra spells, which are cast as divine spells. On the other hand, the witch also becomes beholden to the god or immortal power. In return for the benefits granted, the witch is obligated to perform small services for his allied power from time to time, and a single major service annually, if called upon. Failure to do so causes the witch to lose the granted powers until atonement is made
3) Brew Potion (Magic Theme) The witch gains Brew Potion as a free feat. In addition, at higher levels the witch can make more than one "dose" of the same potion without adding any crafting time. A dose of a potion is exactly like any other potion, except that it is stored in the same potion bottle as other doses made at the same time; only one dose can be used per round. At 5th level, the blood witch may make two doses (at 2x cost) at a single crafting session; at 10th level, three doses (at 3x cost); at 15th level, four doses (at 4x cost); and at 20th level, five doses (at 5x cost). Multi-dose potions cannot be bought or sold at the Catacombs.
4) Lead Coven (Coven & Ley Theme) A witch with this ability can stand together with at least two other witches, forming a coven circle as a standard action. Within a coven circle, any witch who does nothing else in a given round can give another witch in the circle a +1 bonus to any skill check. After the circle is formed, it is broken if even one of the witches moves to another space. Only one witch in the circle must have the Lead Coven ability. The maximum number of witches allowed in a circle at one time is the class level of the most experienced witch. Certain witch-only spells are designed to be cast in coven circles.
5) Imbue Spirit (Helper Spirit Theme) Requires: Incense, herbs, and infusions costing 1,000 gp; two hour ceremony held in a coven circle with caster level boosted to 7.
- Spirit Dagger: Becomes a +2 intelligent magic item with the following abilities: 12 Wisdom, 12 Charisma, 10 Intelligence. Its alignment matches its masters. It gains the Empathy method of communication. It gains 1 item power of 2500gp value or less, picked by the player with DM approval.
- Spirit Cauldron: Becomes an intelligent magic item with the following abilities: 12 Wisdom, 12 Charisma, 10 Intelligence. Its alignment matches its masters. It gains the Empathy method of communication. It gains 1 item power of 1200gp value or less, picked by the player with DM approval. It also gives a +10 bonus when used for crafting alchemical and liquid magic items and cuts such crafting costs by 1/3. It can now shrink or enlarge in 1 minute instead of 10.
- Spirit Animal: Gains ability to grow in size at will, either one or two steps bigger, as it (the familiar) chooses, as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. The familiar gains +4 str and +4 dex per size category it gains. Its damage increases either one or two steps as well. Its size modifier to attack and AC also change to fit the new size. The familiar can change between its normal size and bigger sizes freely. A small witch can ride a medium spirit animal, but gains no special ability to do so.
6) Save/Slay (Divine Theme) [SP] As a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the witch who touches a dead creature can Save it, bringing the creature to zero hit points if it has been dead less than 1d4 rounds. Or the witch can kill a creature that has zero or fewer hit points simply with a touch, gaining 1d4 temporary hit points for each of the creature's hit dice, stacking these with other hit points the witch has gained from Slaying others. Slaying multiple creatures allows temporary hit points to build up, but total temporary hit points cannot exceed the witch's own normal hit point maximum. This spell-like power, which has a somatic but no verbal component, functions at will, but not more than once on the same target in a day. Note that a witch may find it valuable to Slay large numbers of small or domestic creatures, such as chickens, rats, and even cows and horses, to increase his hit points up to double his normal maximum before every adventure. Such a ritual slaughter of livestock or vermin can take place days or weeks before an adventure, since the temporary hit points last until used.
7) Lesser Tinker (Magic Theme) [SU] The witch can add a new material component to a spell in order to change what the spell does. The component must be gathered personally by the witch, and it must be appropriate. For example, a witch sneaks into a hibernating bear's lair and gathers sand from its eyes without waking it up! Later the witch adds the sand to a sleep spell, with impressive effects. Other components might be items found, blood or hair from fallen enemies, and so on. If the DM thinks a component is appropriate (decided by the DM without appeal), then the spell is enhanced. The DM may chose the enhancement, or may select an enhancement from the following list: +1 caster level; +1 save DC; +1 damage per die; even if the save is made, some lesser result affects the target; +2 to overcome spell resistance. Very commonly, a tinkered spell can affect a target even if the spell has a hit-die limit that would prevent it from affecting that target. The DM is free to work with the player to create other enhancements, and a more remarkable extra component should yield greater results.
8) Bend Ley Line (Coven & Ley Theme) [SU] As a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, the witch can bend the closest Ley Line, bringing it closer. With a successful Concentration check vs. DC 20 + spell level, any arcane witch spell cast (or started) in the same round gains a bonus on Ley rolls equal to the amount by which the witch exceeded the Concentration check DC. The witch can Bend Ley Lines at will.
9) Imbue Spirit (Helper Spirit Theme) Requires: Incense, herbs, and infusions costing 3,000 gp; three hour ceremony held in a coven circle at a Ley Nexus with caster level boosted to 13.
- Spirit Dagger: Becomes a +3 weapon with the ghost touch ability. As an intelligent item it gains the Speech and Senses 60' abilities. It also gains telepathy with witches (including master) and all spirits and incorporeal undead, within long range (400 ft + 40 ft/level).
- Spirit Cauldron: As an intelligent item it gains the Speech and Senses 60' abilities. It also gains telepathy with witches (including master) and all spirits and incorporeal undead, within long range (400 ft + 40 ft/level). It also gives a +20 bonus when used for crafting alchemical and liquid magic items and cuts such crafting costs by 2/3. It can now shrink or enlarge in 1 round. Filled with water, the Cauldron can be used as a focus for Scrying.
- Spirit Animal: Gains speech (one language plus one per Int bonus) as well as the ability to speak with creatures of its type. Also gains a Blood Bond with the witch: a +2 bonus to all attacks, checks, and saves if it witnesses the witch threatened or harmed; this bonus lasts as long as the threat is immediate and apparent. The animal also gains the ghost touch ability.
10) Divine Sacrifice (Divine Theme) [SU] When the witch uses his Slay ability on a target, he may immediately cast an arcane spell in the same round, and this spell becomes divine, not arcane. The spell must have a casting time of one standard action or less. Note that no Ley Line or Arcane Failure roll is needed for a divine spell.
11) Improved Brew Potion (Magic Theme) This free item creation feat lets the witch create potions of up to sixth level spells.
12) Honorary Witch (Coven & Ley Theme) [SP] As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, if the witch cuts himself and another spell caster, then presses the wounds together, then the other spell caster can join any coven led by the witch as an honorary member, functioning like a witch for 24 hours. This cutting inflicts 1d4 hp damage to each.
13) Imbue Spirit (Helper Spirit Theme) Requires: Incense, herbs, and infusions costing 9,000 gp; four hour ceremony held alone in the Realm of Shadow.
- Spirit Dagger: Becomes a +4 ghost touch weapon. As an intelligent weapon, its scores increase to 14 Wisdom, 14 Charisma and 10 Intelligence. It gains 1 additional item power of 18000gp value or less, picked by the player with DM approval.
- Spirit Cauldron: Cauldron also can sprout legs and animate, serving as a mount and offering half cover to riders. Speed varies with capacity: Tiny size = move 60, carries one tiny creature. Small size = move 50, carries one small or four tiny creatures. Medium Size = move 40, carries one medium or four small creatures. Large size = move 30, carries one large or four medium creatures. As an intelligent weapon, its scores increase to 14 Wisdom, 14 Charisma and 10 Intelligence. It gains 1 additional item power of 18000gp value or less, picked by the player with DM approval.
- Spirit Animal: Gains ability to grow in size up to three sizes bigger, with benefits as above. It can also carry its master as a mount -- while mounted, the witch gains a +10 on all Ride checks and the free use of the Mounted Combat and Mounted Archery feats.
14) Cleanse/Fester (Divine Theme) [SP] As a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the witch who touches a sick creature can cure the creature's disease. Or the witch can infect any creature that has a cut or open wound with a random disease. This spell-like power, which has a somatic but no verbal component, can be used at will, but not more than once on the same target in a day. The fester ability allows the target creature no saving throw, and there is no onset time for the disease (i.e., the target takes any applicable damage immediately).
15) Greater Tinker (Magic Theme) [SU] As Lesser Tinker, but the witch no longer must collect components personally, and the witch may use magic items as components. The item used is destroyed, but the effects are often surprising and potent. Again, the DM decides the effects of tinkering, but in general, the effects are twice as potent as for Lesser Tinker, for example: +2 save DC; +2 damage per die; +4 to overcome spell resistance, etc.
16) Bind Coven (Coven & Ley Theme) Used within an established or habitual coven circle, this ability forges strong bonds among circle members. Members of the circle cut themselves and mingle the blood in the coven leader's cauldron. This inflicts 1d4 hp damage that lasts for so long as the witch is a member of the coven. Thereafter, members of the coven gain the following benefits: any member can locate another member within one mile; telepathy among members within ten miles; shared emotional empathy within 100 miles; and all cooperation and aid another bonuses from actions or spells are doubled among coven members. A bound witch cannot join any other coven. A witch can quit the coven with a special casting of Cure Light Wounds that heals the "permanent" hp damage. Or the leader of a coven can expel any member at will. Once expelled, a witch cannot be bound by the same leader again. Note: If an honorary witch agrees to be bound, then the non-witch retains honorary status until expelled, not just for 24 hours.
17) Imbue Spirit (Helper Spirit Theme)Requires: Incense, herbs, and infusions costing 27,000 gp; a drop of Woldsblood (Handling the Woldsblood in this way requires the witch to make a Will save vs. DC 16 or go insane); five hour ceremony held in a coven circle in the Realm of Shadow with caster level boosted to 20.
- Spirit Dagger: Becomes a +5 ghost touch weapon. As an intelligent weapon, it gains a Purpose and a Dedicated Power 132,000gp value or less, picked by the player with DM approval.
- Spirit Cauldron: The Cauldron can attack as a +1 weapon while animated, slamming opponents with the witch's BAB for 1d6 damage if tiny, 2d6 if small, 3d6 if medium, and 4d6 if large (including multiple attacks for a BAB of +6 or higher). It can attack even if carrying others. As an intelligent weapon, it gains a Purpose and a Dedicated Power 132,000gp value or less, picked by the player with DM approval.
- Spirit Animal: Gains spell resistance equal to the witch¹s level + 5. The animal's Blood Bond bonus rises to +5. The animal can use Expertise to reduce its own attacks and give an AC bonus to both itself and its master (if mounted).
18) Divine Appeal (Divine Theme) [SP] The witch may call on his allied immortal power, exactly as if casting a Miracle spell, once per day.
19) Improvise (Magic Theme) [SU] The witch gains the ability to modify spells on the fly, as they are cast, if he can make a required Spellcraft check (or Int check) against a DC of 20+ 2x spell level. The following ways to improvise a spell are allowed:
- Change a spell from one school to another.
- Change the type of save required (Will, Fort, Reflex) into another.
- Add an descriptor to a spell.
- Remove a descriptor from a spell.
- Add one target to the number of targets the spell affects.
- Apply any one metamagic feat to the spell without changing the spell's level, even if the witch does not have the feat, so long as the level adjustment is +1.
- Apply any one metamagic feat that the witch does know to the spell without changing the spell's level, so long as the level adjustment for the feat is +1 or +2.
20) Set Ley Nexus (Coven & Ley Theme) [SP] The witch can create a Ley Nexus by tying Ley Lines together. This requires a full round action and a Concentration check vs DC 40. The Nexus is permanent and has a radius of 5 feet and a strength of +1 for every point by which the Concentration check exceeded 40, to a max of 100 ft and +20. The witch can only set one Nexus per module, but if an attempt fails, the witch can try each round until successful.
Blood Witch Only Spells
- 0. Clean Blood transmutation - Cleans blood from a weapon or from a creature so that the bloodwitch can cast arcane spells.
- 1. Witch's Tool conjuration (summoning) - like the bard's Summon Instrument, this spell calls a tiny or small cauldron or a glass dagger that lasts 24 hours.
- 2. Like Calls To Like divination - gives an insight bonus to dealings with hermits, outsiders, outcasts, aliens, recluses, monstrologers, etc.
- 3. Flying Broom transmutation - Like a longer duration Fly, but you have to keep a hand on your broom and you are less maneuverable.
- 4. Eye of Newt and Toe of Frog transmutation - A spell to gather and preserve components for Tinkering. One use: You could cast it on someone, and if they fail a save, a bit of hair or scale or skin appears in your hand.
- 5. Lesser Immortal Summons conjuration (summoning) - A summoning spell to bring a lesser minion of the witch's allied immortal. Lasts one minute per level.
- 6. Meddle enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting] - a spell to penalize die rolls that lasts until the penalty actually makes a difference.
- 7. Greater Immortal Summons conjuration (summoning) - A summoning spell to bring a greater minion or lesser minions of the witch's allied immortal.
- 8. Forbidden Spray conjuration (creation) - The witch opens a portal at a ley line, which manifests as an instantaneous spray of Woldsblood into the Wold itself.
- 9. Forbidden Rain conjuration (creation) - Creates a rain of Woldsblood that falls in an area for a round per level.
Blood Witch Only Spells - Rituals
- 0. Cooperation
- 1. Surrender Blood
- 2. Call Spirit
- 3. Purify
- 4. Surrender Self
- 5. Witch Reincarnation
- 6. Surrender Imbued Spirit
- 7. Spirit Brew
- 8. Sympathetic Magic
- 9. Soul Bone